What are we all about??

Where did we start and why? Who is the face behind the out fit and what are we aiming to get out of this!?


About OMEGA | Message board & pen pa's | Chat room | Where are you from?? | Photos | Information | Commin out | Safe Sex | Cartooning project | More Cartooning! | Good sleep | What is ME .. More than feeling tired | peoples storys | poems | Young and disabled | Disability Links | Sexuality links | Rest of the web

G.L.A.D Gay, Lesbian and Disabled OnLine

Where, when, what, why and who.....


This site started in Febuary 2002, by Jo Barnes.... (thats me) It was set up not only for people who were gay, bisexual, lesbain or transgendered but also for people who suffer with different disabilities.
I am a lesbain but also suffer from the illness ME. This site offeres support to people going though big changes, be it physical, social or emotional.
Its very easy to forget how many other people there are out there who are going though the same things as you, and my aim is to help bring them all together.
We all have our own questions and answers, but by sharing them we can help people make choices they might not have been able to make my themselves.
Please make your self at home, have a look around and dont hesitate to contact me if you would like to get involved or see any changes made.
Jo xx



You sat with me everyday
And you told me it would be OK.
You held my hand and told me stories,
And I'd listen to your every word.
You played my music, my favorite song,
For you, the day must have seemed so long.
I thought that soon, you would give up,
And everyday I couldn't believe my luck.
Because there you were, right by my side.

I could feel you beside me and I knew that you must care.
You didn't have to come, you didn't have to be there.
They told you I couldn't see you, they didn't have a clue.
They said I wouldn't know who you were, and my mental age was less than two.
But that didn't bother you.

You didn't believe I was stupid, you didn't judge by my looks,
You told the doctors to stop reading from there stupid books.
And whist everyone else looked down on me, you looked up with pride.
Everyday you told me I was brave and you'd never leave my side.

I'm sorry for the worry I caused as you went home each night,
When you prayed I wouldn't give up, and carry on my fight.
Somehow you knew I was trying and I didn't want to give up just yet,
And you knew that doctors were just doctors and in their ways completly set.
Now I'm pleased to say that Mum's really do know best
They know you better than anyone, so just forget all the rest!

I wished I could have hepled you more or put your mind at ease,
So much more than an illness was brought with my disease.
Its not just me that suffers, you share half of it too,
I could never do it alone, I'm so grateful I've got you.

Thankyou Mum, for all you did back then and all you do for me today
I love you Mum, your more special than my words could ever say.

Our Philosophy


Our mission is to offer everyone as much support as possible. Although I look after the site I dont have all the answers, so my aim is to get as many people to offer help as possible! I hope you all feel safe and happy here!
Jo xx


If you're finding it hard to work your way around this site I would love to hear from you. I've tried to make it as accessable as possible to all, but there is always room for improvements! So if you have any cunning plans or bright ideas on what I could do/change, then please do let me know!


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A poem by Gem (OnlyME on the message board) for her mother.

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